Thanksgiving in August! I helped pick the huckleberries |
So usually the diet of an adventure guide consist of lots of Raman noodles, tuna fish, and canned soup. Most guides know that it’s part of the lifestyle you just kinda power through. This menu however, was not to be the meal plan out here at Southeast Exposure once we all came to realize that my roommate is a professional chef when she’s not adventuring!!!! It turned out that dear sweet Becky Tucker really enjoys cooking for people and so plans were quickly made to start a dinner club J All we had to do was throw in $30 from our tips and help cook here and there which I have been wanting to learn how to do!
I can’t explain how big of a difference this made for our summer. Here in the rainiest city in the USA, there is nothing quite like coming back from a long day of workin hard in the rain knowing a good home cooked dinner is waitin for us! From pizza to thai food to a thanksgiving feast, Becky always had a theme with at least 3 different dishes going on. The only thing most dishes had in common was the main ingredient of bacon grease.
The “guide kitchen” is one of our favorite places where we all get to sit at a huge table, hang together, (use electricity!!!) and make fun of all the crazy tourists we had to deal with that day. These are the times that really bonded us together. No matter how gnarly a day was, we all looked forward to gathering around that dirty table, laughing and carrying on with the sound of the coast guard radio blasting in the background! It all made for some good good summer nights!
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