Sunday, May 8, 2011

Building an Unshakable Kingdom (part 2)

Just a little dumpster diving

With every passing day I am learning more and more about the plight of the courageous people who have stayed in Christchurch. It seems strange to say that it takes bravery to simply live here but it’s the truth. Aftershocks have become the new normal for this place, as the earth continues to settle after such a huge quake.

You never know when they will happen or how big they will be, since they all start the same way no one knows when one will turn into another big one. Everyday, the city holds its breath as the earth trembles praying and hoping that another disaster won’t arrive. The people are constantly tense, as we go about our day everything around us seems like a death trap….walls made of glass that could shatter, pillars that could topple on us, huge buildings that could crumble. Many people probably won’t ever enter a mall or large supermarket ever again due to the traumatic stories that have circulated. Aftershocks are normal but no one ever gets used to them.

As I settle into life here, I am convinced that my survival skills need some work due to my reaction to my first aftershock. It was just after dinner and I had just made myself a perfect cup of English breakfast tea. As I was preparing to take my first sip a tremor hit that rocked the house. Everyone else was looking around for the safest place in case it escalated while I sat there trying to bounce my cup around with the movements worried that it might spill. After a good laugh I came to a realization that my disaster skills need some work!

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